Our price is inclusive of GST.
Please write to us separately if you are investing in this product for your school/organisation.
Whole product picture credit: Anushikha Bansal.
Our unique ready-to-buy collection of 26 alphabetic flashcards called A-Z of You and Me, bear the essence of what we offer. They carry a series of words capturing a range of emotions and feelings. Defined in a child-friendly manner, and accompanied by an illustration of an explanatory situation, each word has a reflective prompt too. Exploring the themes of inclusivity, mindfulness, consent and practicing kindness, the flashcards can be an engaging family/classroom activity.
We see our offering as a means to a more wholesome life. By involving a child’s ability to sit still, listen to a story, being compassionate, and more, they instill a lifetime of deeper understanding, empathy and sensitivity: crucial to take on the future.
This product can be used by educators, parents, counsellors and therapists to explore a child’s emotions and experiences. The cards can be used in a sharing circle and handled by students, as well as displayed in their room using the string and pegs provided.
Get in touch with us on hello@journeymatters.in if you have any questions or concerns.